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Wave Gotik Treffen 20072007-07-02 / Ultima / Reads: 27871After we got to Leipzig and did all the organizational work we went to look around the festival area and get our ears off on the music and our eyes on extravagant people and the visual aspect of the concerts. The first concert I saw at WGT at... |
Wave Gotik Treffen 20062006-06-12 / khocico / Reads: 34574If I was to describe this year's WGT in one word it would definitely be the word FEINDFLUG!!!:D If the description was to be more elaborate there would appear the words such as Nitzer Ebb and VNV Nation. However, I realize that these words, though meaningful and appealing... |
VNV Nation in Warsaw2014-03-15 / carpenterk / Reads: 5013Concert in the Progresja known as it is, but different at that time. Old one is under renovation, the new one is larger, a bigger bar and what is most important the ability to listen to and to watch VNV Nation. Yes to watch, because you cannot omit full of... |
VNV Nation + Cliche + Socjotech2007-10-05 / Attack / Reads: 11145Thanks to the Koldcure Agency from Lodz the trip from Poznan to VNV Nation concert was successful. Because of the communication service it was the only reasonable way to go by the bus the agency had organized. Our crew – altogether 16 people – quickly and efficiently made its way... |
Vintage & Fetish Show Vol. 22013-04-08 / VMPSelene / Reads: 4140On Saturday night, 2nd March 2013, in Blue Note Club the second edition of "Vintage&Fetish Show" took place. The organizers, Waniliana and Carrie had prepared a real feast for eyes. It was hot just right from the start. It was all thanks to Pin Up Candy who performed first as... |
Vintage & Fetish Show2012-03-04 / krucza / Reads: 59741st March in "W Starym Kinie" club in Poznan started the first edition of Vintage & Fetish Show, organised by Carrie and Wanilianna - bloggers, models, big pin-up and vintage fans. Main sponsor was the Pussy Project - enterprise that promotes education and sexual progress of women. Advertising of Vintage... |